How to use and understand a config file

Config files are essential in our software, since they tell basically which modules you want to connect to each other. The config file is also the place where the required parameters are specified individually for a module.

YAML implementation in Qudi

Our config file uses the YAML format, a data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages. Qudi modifies the ruamel.yaml implementation, which serves as a YAML parser. Therefore Qudi has implemented a loader and a dumper using an collections.OrderedDict() instead of the regular python dict() used by ruamel.yaml. Additionally, it fixes a bug in ruamel.yaml with scientific notation and allows to dump numpy.dtypes and numpy.ndarrays.

Example of a config file

Each module is defined in a predetermined category i.e. in

These categories (all except global) are folders in the trunk directory of our software.

Let's have a look on an example scenario of an (incomplete) configuration:

module.Class: '<foldername>.<filename>.<classname>'
attribute_string_example: 'example_text'
attribute_int_example: 12345
attribute_float_example: 1.234
attribute_boolean_example: True
- 'first'
- 'second'
- 'another'
- -200.0 # the second minus belongs to the number
- 0.0
- 200.0
module.Class: '<foldername2>.<filename2>.<classname2>'
attribute1: 'assigned_value1'
<keyword_in1>: '<identifier>.<keyword_out1>'
module.Class: '<foldername3>.<filename3>.<classname3>'
attribute1: 'assigned_value1'
<keyword_in2>: '<identifier-other>.<keyword_out2>'

Each of this categories contains an <identifier>, i.e. a name which is used for a module. This identifier is relevant in order to separate and distinguish between the different modules. The <identifier> represents a reference to the constructed object of the module. Therefore the keyword module.Class indicates the path to the construction class in pythonic notation (directory separated by points).

For instance: In the category hardware you can specify the attribute module.Class in the <identifier> as

module.Class: 'ni_card.NICard'

which will determine that the module will be found in the trunk folder in the folder structure:


where the class NICard should be situated within the file ni_card.py.


A connector is a way for the Qudi manager to give a module access to other modules.

The general rule for this is that logic modules can only have a connector that gives access to hardware modules or other logic modules and GUI modules can only access logic modules.

To create a Connector, declare it as a class variable in the module like this:

class <classname2>(...):
<connector name> = Connector(interface='<InterfaceForThisConnector>')
<another connector name> = Connector(interface='<InterfaceForTheOtherConnector>')

A reference to the connected module can then be obtained at runtime by just calling the connector:

<connected module> = self.<connector name>()
<antother connected module> = self.<another connector name>()