This section will provide you with information to establish a python environment in order to develop qudi.
Installation page with full install instructions
Additional packages can be installed either via conda
or via pip
from command line (you might need admin rights).
Try at first to use the conda
package manager (which comes together with the Anaconda distribution):
conda install <modulename>
That is the most elegant way, since conda
will handle all cross dependencies with other packages, will download all needed packages for that module and will try to resolve appearing issues. If <modulename>
is not in the repository list of Anaconda, you can try to install the module via pip, the internal package manager for python:
pip install <modulename>
Note that pip will not look for cross dependencies but just simply install and expand the desired package.
It is assumed, that you have already selected the a conda environment, for which the package installation will be performed. All the listed commands are executed in the terminal or cmd (for windows) with administrator privileges (!).
For more information concerning the conda environment see: https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html
By default, if anaconda is installed on your machine, the installation will happen in the environment "base". In order to create a separate environment with the name "qudi" perform
conda create -n qudi python=3.6
You can choose also a different name than 'qudi' for the environment (and the desired python version), but you have to replace then 'qudi' by your custom name in the following process.
You can install each package separately
conda install -n qudi cycler conda install -n qudi cython conda install -n qudi ipython conda install -n qudi jupyter conda install -n qudi lxml conda install -n qudi matplotlib conda install -n qudi numpy conda install -n qudi pillow
or all bundled all in one command:
conda install -n qudi cycler cython ipython jupyter lxml matplotlib numpy pillow
Those are the packages, which are precompiled and/or distributed from the Anaconda package index via the conda package tool. Note that all related packages (e.g. pyqt and qt bindings,...) will be automatically installed during this procedure.
Pip will install now specific packages, which are required for qudi. Before you perform the installation with the internal package manager, you have to activate the "qudi" environment. In the CMD perform
activate qudi
For linux users, the command would be
source activate qudi
Now you can perform either an installation of each package
pip install asteval pip install fysom pip install gitpython pip install lmfit pip install pydaqmx pip install pyflowgraph-qo pip install pyqtgraph-qo pip install pyvisa pip install rpyc pip install ruamel.yaml pip install serial pip install typing
or install all in one run
pip install asteval fysom gitpython lmfit pydaqmx pyflowgraph-qo pyqtgraph-qo pyvisa rpyc ruamel.yaml serial typing
This should install the correct environment for qudi.
If you want to extract the current conda environment 'qudi' to file, just perform
conda-env export -n qudi > my-env.yml
Note that in the file 'my-env.yml', there will be at the bottom the section 'prefix', which identifies the path to the conda environment. Make sure to delete the section 'prefix', if you want to use this file to install the 'qudi' environment elsewhere, to prevent confusions about the location of the conda environment. Then, in the installation procedure, the default location of the conda environment will be taken, which can be different on every machine.
If you have a conda environment file 'my-env.yml' present, you can use that to create manually the conda environment. All the required information should be written in the file 'my-env.yml'.
conda env create -f my-env.yml
If you want to remove the environment with the name 'qudi', just perform
conda-env remove --yes --name qudi