Concept of sampling functions

General description

The basic analog waveform shapes (e.g. DC, sine, chirp etc.) to build a waveform from are provided by so called sampling functions. Those sampling functions are the atomic elements to build a waveform from. Each sampling function can be used to calculate analog voltages from a given array representing the discrete timing of arbitrary waveform generators.

For each sampling function properly included into qudi the PulseBlock editor in the GUI automatically includes the function together with its custom parameter set.


Each sampling function is a child class of SamplingBase. The base class provides methods to save and restore sampling function instances using qudi StatusVars. It also provides the logging module to be used in the same way as in qudi modules. So you can call for example `self.log.error('My awesome error message!')` from your sampling function class.

Each PulseBlockElement instance created will contain as many sampling function instances as analog channels active. During initialization the sampling function instance will receive a desired set of parameters needed for the respective function evaluation of the sampling function. In case of the sampling function Sin this would be amplitude, frequency and phase.

In order to inspect this function specific parameter set, each sampling function class contains an attribute params. It is a dictionary with keys being the parameter names and values being dictionaries holding information about the parameter like default value, unit, domain of definition etc. All keys in the params dictionary are keyword arguments of the sampling function __init__.

The class SamplingFunctions has a classmethod import_sampling_functions which imports all child classes of SamplingBase as sampling functions and attaches the imported class names as callable to the SamplingFunctions class. It also combines all params dictionaries into a single one called parameters where the keys are the sampling function names.

WARNING: The class attributes of SamplingFunctions can change during runtime. Do NOT keep references to class attributes in order to avoid a mismatch of definitions.

When activating the SequenceGeneratorLogic, import_sampling_functions will be called with the proper import paths. The default import path is ./logic/pulsed/sampling_function_defs/. An additional import path can be set using the ConfigOption additional_sampling_functions_path.

Class signature

Each sampling function class must meet the following requirements:

Adding new sampling functions procedure

  1. Define a class with SamplingBase or another sampling function class as the parent class. The class name should be the function name.
  2. Define all function parameters in params dictionary. (see section "Class signature")
  3. Define __init__ with all parameters as optional arguments. Upon creating an instance the parameters must be saved as instance variables. (use default values if necessary)
  4. Implement get_samples to actually calculate the analog samples.
  1. Place the module containing your class definitions in the default directory to import from (./logic/pulsed/sampling_function_defs/) or put it in a custom directory and specify the path in your config for the SequenceGeneratorLogic as ConfigOption "additional_sampling_functions_path".

You can also simply add your new classes to an already existing module.

By default qudi ships with the default sampling functions defined in ./logic/pulsed/sampling_function_defs/basic_sampling_functions.py. This module should not be altered unless you intend to contribute your sampling functions to the qudi repository.

A template for a new sampling function class could look like:

from enum import Enum
class Colour(Enum):
red = 1
green = 2
blue = 3
class MyFunc(SamplingBase):
""" Description goes here """
params = OrderedDict()
params['my_float_param'] = {'unit': 'V', 'init': 0.0, 'min': 0.0, 'max': np.inf, 'type': float}
params['my_int_param'] = {'unit': '', 'init': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 42, 'type': int}
params['my_enum_param'] = {'unit': '', 'init': Colour.green, 'min': Colour.red, 'max': Colour.blue, 'type': Colour}
def __init__(self, my_float_param=None, my_int_param=None, my_enum_param=None):
if my_float_param is None:
self.my_float_param = params['my_float_param']['init']
self.my_float_param = my_float_param
if my_int_param is None:
self.my_int_param = params['my_int_param']['init']
self.my_int_param = my_int_param
if my_enum_param is None:
self.my_enum_param = params['my_enum_param']['init']
self.my_enum_param = my_enum_param
def get_samples(self, time_array):
# Calculate samples
return np.zeros(time_array.size)
def _some_helper_method(self):
self.log.info('I am just some helper method and I have just been called.')
class MyFuncWithNewName(MyFunc):
""" This is the same sampling function as MyFunc but it is now called MyFuncWithNewName """