Keyboard shortcuts

Here all key shortcuts of Qudi are listed.

For all GUIs

Action Key
Close GUI ???
Undo last action ???
Set Auto Range Image ???

Manager GUI

Action key
??? ???
??? ???

Counter GUI

Action key
Start/Stop counting ???
Save ???

Confocal GUI

Action key extras
Start XY scan ???
Resume XY scan ???
Loop scan XY ???
Stop scan ???
Start depth scan ???
Resume depth scan ???
Loop scan depth ???
Optimise position ???
Zoom ???
Move cursor in -x-direction left arrow key in combination with ''strg'' large steps
Move cursor in +x-direction right arrow key :::
Move cursor in -y-direction up arrow key :::
Move cursor in +y-direction down arrow key :::
Move cursor in -z-direction Bild up :::
Move cursor in +z-direction Bild down :::

Laser Scanning GUI

Action key
??? ???
??? ???

Laser Switch GUI

Action key
Start new ???
Stop/Resume ???
Save Histogram ???

POI Manager GUI

Action key
Set new POI ???
Delete POI ???
Go to POI ???
Refind POI ???


Action key
Run/Idle ???
Fit ???